Welcome School Board Leaders!
You are doing great work serving the communities you represent, and CSBO wants to support your efforts.
Our Short-Term Goals:
- CSBO will be THE voice for school districts, board members, superintendents, students, and parents. CSBO’s voice will be through official statements and/or the media.
- CSBO will directly lobby with state civil servants to protect Oregon students and preserve education. CSBO will contract hire a lobbyist to impress on state and federal officials educational principals based on CSBO’s mission and values.
- CSBO will be legally active in defending our members and the students they serve.
- CSBO will investigate all pertinent information from ODE and OSBA on a regular basis and communicate to CSBO members so all are aware of key items which impact their district. CSBO will also monitor local, state, and federal educational influences.
- CSBO will provide curriculum awareness to flag inappropriate school material and provide alternative material which protects students.
Team effort:
Unite with other like-minded school boards to preserve education. There is strength in numbers! Join the CSBO with many other school boards so your voice will be heard. Become a Member School Board or Individual Member here, or Email csboteam@csbo.org to inquire about membership.